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Should You Grow Rhodiola Rosea Yourself?

19th Aug 2021

You may have heard of rhodiola rosea if you have been looking for natural supplements to improve the immune system, heart health, and even mental health. This plant has many health benefits, but the roots prove to be the most effective.

In the US, you can buy rhodiola rosea supplements from Ameriden whether you're in Fallbrook or any part of the country.

If you want to grow the mysterious rhodiola rosea, here are some tips to help you out.

Planting Spot Matters

Rhodiola rosea can be found in Siberia but grows mostly in mountainous regions in Asia and Europe. In the US, the environment in the Rockies is pretty close to the plant's natural habitat.

What if you’re in another part of the country?

Don’t worry, rhodiola grows in all hardiness zones and most well-drained soil types.

Proper sun exposure is the key to growing rhodiola. The herb needs full sun and doesn’t take well to the shade.

Russia appears to be the source of the best rhodiola supply. After all, Russian scientists popularized the benefits of this herb. Since Russian soil happens to be mainly lime-based, try growing your seeds in limestone soil.

Prepare to Wait For Years

Rhodiola rosea extract comes from the herb's roots. Other parts also come with health benefits, but the herb is grown for its root.

In the wild, the roots take decades to mature. But in a controlled environment, it takes about five years.

Other than the five-year wait for roots to mature, growing this herb should be easy since it is naturally tough.

Don't Expect Full Potency

Getting rhodiola rosea seeds to germinate appears to be the most challenging part. From there, it's easy for the herb to survive.

Rhodiola will smell like roses, so if you like the scent, you have another reason to grow the herb. But it's another story if you're growing Rhodiola Rosea for health benefits.

It takes years for the roots to mature —which is why some farmers hesitate to grow the herb even if the conditions are right. And another reason lies with quality.

The matured roots you planted may not have the same potency as the Rhodiola cultivated for use in health supplements.

You should grow rhodiola rosea if you want to. The herb is easy to take care of anyway. But if your goal is to grow it for its medicinal uses, do more research to know the best growing conditions to improve its potency. Even if it takes years for the roots to mature, you can enjoy the health benefits of rhodiola rosea in supplement form. If you're in Fallbrook or any part of the US, Ameriden can supply safe and high-quality rhodiola rosea supplements to give you a health boost.