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Healthy Methods For Coping With Stress

Healthy Methods For Coping With Stress

Posted by Ameriden International on 9th May 2017

Unfortunately, stress is a part of life. Work, finances, relationships, and a variety of other factors can cause our stress levels to rise. In such a fast paced, technology-based society, people are feeling more isolated than ever. The enormous expense of unexpected medical emergencies and healthcare can feel like a financial, physical, and emotional nightmare for people. Long commutes take their toll on worn out drivers. Although you certainly cannot avoid stress completely, you can take some steps to lower your stress levels and increase your overall feeling of well-being:


The top two ways in which people cope with stress are by watching TV and by surfing the internet, which have negative impacts on people when done in large blocks of time. After a tough day at work, it’s easy to fall in the routine of watching another episode of Forensic Files. However, we recommend simply going outside for a walk or run, and you'll be pleasantly surprised by how much better you will feel when you arrive back at home.

Eat Healthy

If you’re going to stay inside and binge watch the latest Netflix series, then you are most likely going to mindlessly nosh on your favorite junk food. We are not advocating that you completely give up your junk food, but you need to eat a diet that’s healthy overall. Eating healthy makes you feel good and could help you sleep better.


Speaking of sleep, you need to be getting at least eight hours of sleep a night, but many people fail to get an adequate amount of sleep. Put the tablet, laptop, TV, and cellphone screens away about an hour before bed and read a book or write in your journal. You could be surprised by how much more easily you will fall asleep and stay asleep when you don’t stimulate your brain by looking at electronic screens before bedtime.


Meditating for just a few minutes a day could help you stay calm and focused, yet many people neglect this simple habit altogether. If you have never practiced meditation, we recommend beginning your day with a quick ten minute guided meditation before doing anything else. Ten minutes is not that long, but you will reap the benefits when you establish a consistent meditation practice.

Get Off Of Facebook

Some of you might have just lost your breath over this suggestion. However, a study at the University of Michigan concluded that the more adults used Facebook, the worse they felt. They believe that people begin comparing their lives to their Facebook friends and question their own lifestyle choices. Stop getting angry over your ignorant coworker’s political posts and stay off of Facebook.

Spend Quality Time With Quality People

You may not be able to choose your family, but you are in control of who you spend your time with. It’s often said that the closest circle of people you surround yourself with are a reflection of who you are. If you surround yourself with toxic people, you could constantly feel overwhelmed by their drama and negativity. Instead, focus on creating healthy, nourishing friendships, even if that means cutting some people out of your life. Although it may seem difficult at first, you’ll be happier in the long run.

If you are interested in adopting a healthier lifestyle, then check out our health supplements online. Our inventory of high-quality supplements includes rhodiola rosea and olive leaf extract