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Women's Health Supplements and Eating Healthy

Women's Health Supplements and Eating Healthy

26th Sep 2018

Every day is a good day to kick off some new eating habits that might just stick this time. If so, you will see small changes in the way to look and the way you feel. Eating healthy isn't something you do just on Sundays, it's something you need to do every day.

And even if you happen to slip up every once in a while, you just start over again tomorrow. Every day is a new opportunity.

A healthy diet has been scientifically proven to provide a great number of health benefits. For example, a healthy diet reduces the risk of several chronic diseases. That should be reason enough to start eating a healthier diet.

Instead of making big changes in your diet, because they can be overwhelming, start with a few small changes instead. Ameriden, your source for men’s and women’s health supplements, offers tips to make your diet healthier.

Eat Eggs

Eggs are a very healthy food, especially if you eat them for breakfast.

Eggs are high in protein and have many essential nutrients that people don't get enough of, like choline for example. Eating eggs in the morning increases the feeling of fullness and they have been shown to cause people to eat fewer calories over the next 36 hours.

Studies show that men who eat eggs for breakfast automatically ate as many as 470 fewer calories and lunch and dinner compared to men who did not eat eggs for breakfast.

Shop with a List

When you go grocery shopping, you should employ two important strategies. The first strategy is to make a grocery list. Not knowing exactly what you want to buy opens the chances for frequent impulse buys. Which is why your cart gets filled with potato chips and chocolate cake.

You should also never go to the store when you are hungry. Again, things you don’t really want will wind up in your cart.

Slow Down

The pace at which you eat influences how much you eat. Research shows that people who eat fast are 115 percent more likely to eat more than slower eaters.

How full you get and how much you eat are controlled by hormones. IT is these hormones that signal your brain when you are full and when you are hungry. The problem lies in the fact that it can take up to 20 minutes for your brain to receive the message that you are full. By then, you could already have eaten too much and will feel super-stuffed. Studies confirm this and show that you will consume fewer calories if you eat at a slower pace.

Drink Water

Drinking plenty of water is critical to good health. There are several studies that show drinking water benefits weight loss. Drinking water before a meal can help reduce calorie intake.

Avoid Bad Fast Food

Eating out does not have to involve eating bad foods. We are seeing healthier chains popping up all of the time. These are fast food chains that offer healthy fast food and should be a replacement for the greasy places you now hit.

Try a New Recipe Every Week

Choosing what to have for dinner can be a bit frustrating. You can usually pick out a few good and healthy dishes, but then you wind up in a rut and have the same meals every week. Break that habit by discovering one healthy recipe every week and giving it a shot.

If anything, it will open you up to new ingredients you have never had before.

Eat Greens

A good way to get the greens you need in a healthy diet is to eat them before you have your regular meal. This will also help you lower your calorie intake.

Take Supplements

There is a surprising amount of people who aren't getting enough vitamin D or other vitamins and minerals. Even if you do eat a very healthy diet, you could still be missing out on many vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin D, as well as Omega 3, are just two supplements you should probably be taking. Unless you spend a lot of time in the sun and eat fatty fish on a regular basis, these are two supplements you should consider taking.

Visit Ameriden and check out our supplements.