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​Men's Health Supplements and Heart Disease

​Men's Health Supplements and Heart Disease

28th Jun 2019

The number one killer in the United States is heart disease. Heart disease is the cause for one in three deaths in women and one in four deaths in men. These are alarming statistics. But fortunately, there are several ways in which you can help prevent heart disease.

It is important to fully understand that more than 80% of heart attacks and strokes are preventable. Early signs of risk factors are important. It is also important to understand that preventing heart disease is not as difficult as you might think.

Ameriden, your source for men’s health supplements, offers tips to prevent heart disease.

Reduce Sugar

As the amount of added sugar in your diet increases, so does your risk for heart disease. The American Heart Association recommends that if you are male, you should limit your sugar intake to nine teaspoons a day, six teaspoons a day if you are female.

Sleep Well

There have been studies that show a lack of sleep can lead to early heart disease. When you sleep at night, your blood pressure and heart rate go down, which is critical for good health. A lack of sleep can also lead to diabetes.

Health Screenings

Health screenings are very important as they help determine if you are at risk for heart disease. You should be getting tested for diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. All three of these can lead to heart disease. If you are getting screened on a regular basis, it is a lot easier to identify heart disease risks in their earliest stages.

Ease Stress

Stress often leads to behaviors that increase your risk of heart disease. For example, stressed people are more inclined to drink and smoke as ways to release stress. People who are stressed also tend to eat more and exercise less.

Limit Alcohol

Consuming large quantities of alcohol can increase your risk of heart disease. Over time, heavy drinking can lead to blood clots. Alcohol consumption also tends to raise blood pressure.

Stop Smoking

Yes, this is obvious. But far too many Americans still smoke while realizing that it raises blood pressure and causes damage to your circulatory system.


Two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese. Exercise is a great way to maintain a healthy weight as well as lower your risk of heart disease.

Additional body fat increases your risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol, both of which are risk factors for heart disease.

Healthy Diet

One of the best ways to prevent heart disease is by maintaining a healthy diet. The food that you eat directly affects sugar levels, cholesterol, sodium and saturated fat levels in your body. You should be eating lots of fruit and vegetables and minimizing your saturated fat intake.

See Your Dentist

You already know that brushing your teeth, flossing and getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist's office is the best way to prevent gum disease, but it can also prevent heart disease.

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